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Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Benteng Lohayong

Benteng Peninggalan Portugis
Yang dibangun pada abad XV oleh Pater Antonio da Crus, OP yang selesai diabngun pada tahun 1556.
Berada pada ketinggian 10 m diatas permukaan laut dengan panjang 72 m dan  lebar 45 m.
Terletak di desa Lohayong, Solor.

Pada abad ke-16 & 17, selama kira-kira satu abad, Desa Lohayong merupakan pusat kawasan perdagangan laut. Pada 20 April 1613, ketika Pieter Both menjabat sebagai Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda, benteng tersebut direbut dari Portugis di bawah komando �kepala regu� Apolonius Schot. Ketika itu ada sekitar seribu orang di dalam benteng. Sebagian besar adalah wanita dan anak-anak. Setelah berhasil merebut benteng, Schot menyerahkan komando benteng kepada Kapten Adriaen van der Velde, kemudian dia memberinya nama �Henricus�. Setelah itu Schot kembali ke Batavia, dan tak lama kemudian ia meninggal di sana. Saat itu perdagangan komoditas kayu cendana sedang naik. Pada 13 Oktober 1615, perdagangan komoditi kayu cendana tidak lagi menguntungkan. Hal ini membuat Dewan Hindia Belanda memutuskan untuk mengosongkan benteng Henricus dan membumiratakannya. Pada 1618, Benteng Henricus dibangun lagi oleh Van Raemburch. Ia adalah kawan dekat Jan Pieterszoen Coen. Ia membekali Raemburch sepucuk surat untuk disampaikan kepada para pendukungnya di Solor. Dalam surat itu Coen meminta maaf, karena sebelumnya menghancurkan benteng Henricus, dan mohon agar para pendukungnya bersedia membantu pembangunan kembali. Para buruh pribumi diberi upah setengah kilogram beras per hari, sedangkan para sukarelawan Belanda diperbolehkan mengambil jatah yang lebih banyak. Benteng baru adalah redut yang dapat menampung 30 atau maksimal 40 serdadu. Pembangunannya dilaksanakan sehemat mungkin. Menurut Coen, redut itu berbentuk segi empat dengan empat sudut. Redut akhirnya ditempati oleh 23 tentara Belanda dan 80 warga Solor yang merupakan �keluarga besar� seorang penguasa pribumi bernama Kitchil Protavi, dan 17 orang Cina. Pada 1622, seorang penguasa baru dilantik di benteng Henricus, yaitu Kepala Pedagang yang bernama Jan Thomasz Daijman. Pada akhir 1625 ia malah bergabung dengan Portugis di Larantuka (Flores), ketika utusan VOC Komandan Jan Pietersz Reus tiba di Solor. Sebelum Reus wafat, dia menunjuk Jan de Hornay sebagai gantinya. Kapten Elye Ripon�seorang warga negara Swedia, yang menjadi pimpinan armada Kumpeni�berhasil menghalau satu kapal fregat Portugis, yang kebetulan berlayar di pelabuhan Larantuka. Oleh karena keberhasilan ini, mereka disambut hangat saat tiba di Benteng Henricus (Solor) oleh raja/penguasa setempat yang datang bersama dua ratus serdadu bersenjata lengkap. Juga ada seratus gadis yang disuguhkan kepada Ripon dan serdadunya. Pada 1628, J P. Coen kembali menjabat sebagai Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda. Dia berpendapat, perdagangan di kawasan Maluku, Ambon, Seram dan Solor serta Timor perlu dilindungi dari orang-orang Makasar. Sementara itu di Solor terjadi konflik antara orang kaya Kitschil Protavi melawan dua orang kaya dari pulau lain yang didukung Portugis di Larantuka. Dalam konflik itu 8 orang Belanda tewas, sehingga mau tidak mau VOC terseret. Serentetan perang kecil terus terjadi antara kelompok yang berseteru. Penguasa Belanda di Solor, De Hornay, mengusahakan semacam gencatan senjata dengan pihak Portugis di Larantuka. Pada Desember 1628, di Batavia diputuskan bahwa redut Henricus di Solor dikosongkan saja, dan kegiatan perdagangan dilakukan dari kapal-kapal di perairan sekitarnya. Gencatan senjata dengan pihak Larantuka dijadikan alasan oleh VOC bahwa Redut Henricus tidak diperlukan lagi. Gubernur Jenderal mengutus seorang kepala pedagang yang bernama Gregory Cornelisz ke Solor. Ia ditugasi untuk meneliti kegiatan De Hornay dan membumiratakan benteng Henricus. Pada 1645, Kitchil Protavi meninggal dan digantikan oleh istrinya, Injay (atau Nyai) Chili. Ia merupakan wakil terkemuka dari kelompok penduduk di kawasan tersebut. Sementara itu, di Benteng Henricus diangkat Letnan Hendrick Hendricksz van Oldenburgh, yang dibantu 34 serdadu, beberapa meriam dan sejumlah amunisi. Akan tetapi van Oldenburgh dinilai kurang tegas, sehingga diganti oleh Kepala pedagang Hendrick ter Horst yang mendesak Gubernur Jenderal agar mengirimkan bantuan militer ke Solor untuk menumpas Larantuka yang dikuasai Portugis. Pada Mei 1654, Ter Horst diijinkan kembali ke Batavia, dan digantikan oleh Kapten Jacob Verheijden, yang tak lama kemudian tewas dalam peperangan melawan tentara Portugis di Amabi (di seberang Kupang). Pada 1657, Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda memberi surat kepada Injay Chili yang berisi kekecewaan, karena Injay dinilai kurang membantu pihak Belanda dalam pertempuran, dan juga dalam memelihara Benteng Henricus. Surat itu dibalas oleh Injay Chili dalam bahasa Melayu, yang juga disertakan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Belanda; antara lain berisi keheranan mengapa ia dinilai kurang membantu Belanda. Juga dikatakan bahwa ia bersama rakyatnya keberatan untuk dipindahkan ke pulau Roti. Alasannya adalah sudah terbiasa hidup di pulau Solor yang dikuasai VOC. Selain itu, pulau Roti juga berada di bawah VOC, jadi tidak ada perbedaan. Oleh sebab itu mohon agar ia bersama rakyatnya diperbolehkan tetap tinggal di Solor dan agar diberi amunisi serta senjata untuk mempertahankan pulau tersebut dari serangan Portugis.

 (In the 16th and 17 th centuries, for approximately one century long, Lohayong Village was the centre of sea trade activities. On April 20, 1613, when Pieter Both was the Governor General of Dutch Indies, the fort was seized from the Portuguese by a group under the commando of Apolonius Schot. At that time there were about one thousand people inside the fort; mostly women and children. After succeeding to take over the fort, Schot handed it over to Captain Adriaen van der Velde and gave it the name �Henricus�; Schot then returned to Batavia where he died shortly after his arrival. At the time the trade of sandlewood was quite booming. However, on October 13, 1615 the sandlewood trade was no more lucrative which prompted the Dutch Indies Council to abandon and destroy Fort Henricus. In 1618, Fort Henricus was rebuilt by Van Raemburh, a close ally of Jan Pieterszoen Coen who gave Raemburh a letter which he was to hand over to the supporters in Solor. In the letter Coen beg for pardon at having destroyed Fort Henricus and implore his supporters to assist in the rebuilding of the fort. The indigenous workers were given half a kilogram of rice each per day, while the Dutch volunteers were allowed to take more. The new fort is a redoubt that could accommodate 30 to maximally 40 soldiers and the construction was executed as cheaply as possible. According to Coen, the redoubt is square, with four corners. In the end, the redoubt was occupied by 23 Dutch solders and 80 Solor inhabitants, members of the big family of indigenous leader, Kitchil Protavi, and 17 Chinese people. In 1622, a new commander was appointed in Fort Henricus, the Head trader Jan Tohmasz Daijman. At the end of 1625 he joined the Portuguese in Larantuka (Flores) when VOC envoy, Jan Pietersz Reus, arrived at Solor. Before Reus died, he appointed Jan de Hornay as his successor. Captain Elye Ripon, a Swedish national who was the leader of VOC navy, succeeded to drive away the Portuguese warship which happened to sail into Larantuka port. Because of this victory, the Dutch were warmy greeted when they arrived at Fort Henricus (Solor) by the local king, who came with two hundred armed soldiers plus one hundred maidens who were offered to Captain Ripon and his soldiers. In 1628, JP Coen was again appointed as Governor General for Dutch Indies. He considered it necessary to protect the trade activities in the Moluccas, Ambon, Seram, Solor and Timor from Makassar marauders. In the meantime, a conflicet broke out in Solor between the rich man Kitschil Protavi against two other rich men from another island who were supported by the Portuguese in Larantuka. In the conflict, 8 Dutch soldiers died, thus implicating VOC in the fight. A series of small wars flared up between the opposing groups. The Dutch commander in Solor, De Hornay, managed to hold a kind of cease-fire with the Portuguese in Larantuka. In December 1628, it was decided in Batavia to abandon Redoubt Henricus in Solor, and trade activities were conducted by the ships sailing in the surrounding waters. VOC made use of the ceasefire with Larantuka to abandon Redut Henricus and he sent Gregory Cornelisz, the head trader as an envoy to Solor with the task to inspect the activities of De Hornay and to burn down Fort/Redoubt Henricus. Kitchil Protave died in 1645 and was succeeded by his wife, Injay (or Nyai) Chili who was the leader of the people in the area. In the meantime, Lieutenant Hendrick Hendricksz van Oldenburgh was appointed as commander in Fort Henricus; he had 34 soldiers, a number of cannons and ammunition. However, Oldenburgh was considered not firm enough and was succeeded by the head trader Hendrick ter Horts who urged the Governoet General to send military assistance to Solor, to seize Larantuka which was under Portuguese rule. In May 1654, Ter Horst was allowed to return to Batavia and was succeeded by Captain Jacob Verheiden who was shortly killed in a war against the Portuguese at Amabi (across Kupang). In 1657, the Dutch Governor General sent a letter fo Injay Chili in the Malay language, where he expressed his disappointment because Injay was considered not to provide enough support to the Dutch during the war against the Portuguese and in defending Fort Henricus. Injay Chili replied the letter with a letter in Malay, provided with a Dutch translation, expressing her astonishment at being accused of not providing enough support to the Dutch. She also wrote that she and her people were against being moved to Roti island sine they were already used to living at Solor under VOC. Moreover, Rote island is also under VOC, so there would be no difference; therefore she implored to be allowed to stay in Solor, and be given enough ammunition and weapons so she and her people could defend the island from Portuguese attacks.)


We start of PRR Monastery. PRR ( Puterei  Reinha Rosary ) is  a Sister Conggregation in Weri, Larantuka. There are 14 stattion’s of the cross and we strat at the first  station and make our way up the hill until we are reach number 14. At the top we can relax and enjoy  the view , over looking Adonara and Larantuka. You can light some candles and pray if you like, also you can enjoy a snack at the picnic tables provide by sisters. ( a donation in box for the up keep, is voluntary but very much appreciated. After that we can make our way back down through the sisters garden, you can even visit the chapel, souvenir shop and hotel in the Sisters Monastery. Located in Weri about 15 minutes from Larantuka town.


Jl. Joakim BL, De-Rosari RT/RW : 08/03 No. 108 Postoh, Larantuka, Flores Timur, NTT - Indonesia, +62 383 232 5746 ( Shop ), +62 821 699 953 48 ( hp ), E :, W :, Blog :
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